Monday, September 6, 2010

Death to America?

So a few pinheads in Miami Florida plan on burning at least one copy of the Koran. Ok, so it's a "desecration to something that's very sacred to" muslims. I understand them getting pissed, but it is just a book. There's many more out there.

What I find interesting it that muslim scholars state the Koran is about peace and living with one another. If so, then why are thousands marching in Kabul chanting "Death to America"?

So for a few people ignorant enough to burn one of these books, the retaliation is to murder a nation?

I can only conclude that if given the chance for muslims to rule the world, we'd all be in deep doodoo.

Frankly, I'm sick and tired of the "Death to America" crap. It seems if they have a bad dinner, or stub their toe - it's "Death to America".

Please explain again why so many western forces are there to bring democracy to a nation that does not appear to want us there?

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